Wednesday 24 October 2012

Mitt Romney: Obama's New Geopolitical Puppet ?

 It has thrilled me to see Obama pull the trick out of the hat once again before a more wider audience in the last presidential debate, making Republicans' presidential hopeful, Governor Mitt Romney look like his geopolitical puppet. Asking the governor some entangling questions about his professed foreign policy which first had the propensity to drag America and her allies into war with Iran, a cold economic war with China, and deep quarrels with Russia that could result into another major conflict. 

It was hard to believe that the governor could actually backtracked from his previous war cry to concord with the president's foreign policy, even after attacking the president's leniency with Islamic extremists, a defiant Russia, rising world power, China, and nuclear paranoia Iran. After firing up a complacent and conservative Republican white folks, bragging about his preparedness to lead America, and the rest of the free world into war with his perceived kind of bad guys- just like a western movie acted by his old buddy Clint Eastwood - but only to eat his track at last by agreeing with the president's diplomacy to solve critical issues in the Middle East. 

Come on Governor Romney, are you a business man, or a commander in chief? 

After talking about investing about a trillion dollars into war materials like ships and bombs, as if talking about investing it into the American economics, do you still think you're the man to fix the economic? 

But then, why when it came time to stand up to the real issues you supported at first- getting America back to it's conservative past- probably the bitter days of civil rights abuses, or the crazy period of war mongering in the Iron Triangle- you was forced to back away from your previous jingoistic characteristic, which have already marked you out as an hollow puppet waiting for a role to be played, just like Bush was played by the frustrated ghost from his father's failed dream of a world war? 

I'm afraid your failure to stick up with your own shadow has caused President Obama to now score a big heart in the hearts of the world, as it's the dream of the American Fathers. And he, Obama, come this election will definitely lead the free world into a civilize discussion, than preach your threats of war.

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